Support the national capacity to prevent terrorism and violent extremism, so as to support stabilization in Guinea Bissau and peace consolidation in West Africa
The challenge

There is an increasing threat of violent extremism in the West Africa region, which poses a significant security spillover risk and undermines the fragile political stability, development, and human rights promotion in Guinea-Bissau. The country has not yet witnessed terrorist attacks on its soil, which make it easily overlooked in the global agenda on preventing terrorism or violent extremism.  However there have  been instances of Guinea Bissau nationals being recruited, trained and radicalised in Sahel countries and outside of the region, as well as Foreign Terrorist Fighters and returnees seeking refuge in Guinea-Bissau. 

Some key government counterparts have expressed concern at the recent proliferation of NGOs and the limited visibility on their operations , suggesting that some of them may support extremist narratives with communities living in remote areas, but also within urban areas, or may be used as vehicles to finance terrorism. Stronger capacity to collect and to process intelligence appears essential to better map existing threats, to divide more adequate responses.   Vulnerabilities resulting from political instability, drug trafficking and organized crime, the spread of fake news through online means, are further contributing to the risk of infiltration by members of violent extremist groups.  A comprehensive P/CVE approach appears critical to address these growing vulnerabilities.

The project

The project aims to prevent and counter violent extremism in Guinea-Bissau by strengthening the capacity of the State and civil society to prevent and respond to violent extremism. It will strengthened the capacity of national stakeholders, regional and international organizations to address the spill-over risk of terrorism in Guinea-Bissau, by enhancing the resilience of communities and institutions, improving governance and promoting sustainable socio-economic development.


The project will adopt a multi-stakeholder approach that involves the State, civil society, and the private sector, and it will work with security sector stakeholders, local NGOs, community leaders, and religious leaders to develop and implement inclusive and community-based programs that promote dialogue, peacebuilding, social cohesion, and resilience. It will:

  • Support the definition of a shared vision to PCVE through the elaboration and adoption of a National P/CVE Action Plans.


  • Build resilience and counter-narratives through training on conflict prevention and management using a human rights-based approach, religious education, resilience building, and community mobilization, and the implementation of community-based initiatives that promote resilience.


  • Deliver capacity building and education through training to community members, educators, school administrators, and leaders on conflict resolution, human rights-based approaches, intercultural communication, and community mobilization.


  • Promote socio-economic empowerment through vocational training programs and job placement services to marginalized youth and women, with a focus on building skills for entrepreneurship and self-employment. 


  • Promote cooperation and build trust between actors from the security sector and local communities through the coordination of meetings between different communities, civil society organizations and security sector entities government departments to enhance communication and cooperation on security matters, conflict prevention and management.


  • Research through field research to assess the impact of project interventions and identify areas for improvement and innovation.
Expected impact

The project seeks to achieve a strategic and transformative change in Guinea-Bissau by preventing and countering violent extremism. The anticipated results include increased awareness, skills, and abilities among community members to prevent and counter extremist narratives; changed behavior, practice, and performance of government officials and civil society actors; and ultimately, reduced violence and instability, improved security, and governance, and increased social and economic development. These outcomes will contribute to a more stable and prosperous Guinea-Bissau, which is essential for regional peace and security.

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