Complex threats
require integrated responses
Terrorism and violent extremism are major threats to international peace and security, sustainable development and the enjoyment of human rights, currently felt most keenly in Africa. Terrorists and violent extremists including Da’esh, Al-Qaida and their affiliates have exploited instability and conflict to increase their activities and intensify attacks across the continent, with Sub-Saharan Africa accounting for 48 per cent of all deaths attributed to terrorist groups in 2021. Countering international terrorism requires effective multilateral responses that transcend borders, actors and thematic silos.
A new generation of
UN inter-agency flagship initiatives
The “United Nations Joint Appeal for Counter-Terrorism in Africa” seeks to steer and incentivize a new generation of joint UN system action for a more visible, transparent and effective multilateral contribution to the implementation of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy in Africa.
The Joint Appeal supports ten joint United Nations flagship initiatives in Africa. The initiatives have been competitively selected on the basis of (a) their proven track record and potential of achieving transformative and impactful results, (b) a strategic value proposition of multiple entities working together, (c) responsiveness to CTC/CTED identified priorities, (d) exceptional value-for money, (d) high innovation potential, and (e) a strong focus on the meaningful integration of human-rights and gender considerations.
How we work
Strategic joint initiatives across borders, partners and thematic siloes for a more visible, transparent and effective multilateral contribution to the implementation of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy in Africa.
The 10 initiatives of the Joint Appeal have been competitively selected from across the UN system based on

Joint action
The Joint Appeal brings together 16 UN partner entities with their unique capacities, expertise and networks under the leadership of UN Resident Coordinators in each country. Each initiative unites at least three partner entities.

Africa focus
Our joint flagship initiatives focus exclusively on Africa where threats of terrorism and violent extremism are currently most pressing. Some initiatives focus on specific countries while others operate across one or several sub-regions.

Initiatives have been selected based on their track record and potential of achieving strategic and transformative change that demonstrates the value of joined-up multilateral action.

Value for money
To be included in the Joint Appeal, initiatives had to demonstrate that their activities and selected delivery approaches, including selection and relative costs of implementation partners, represent exceptional value for money.

National ownership
Our initiatives address national priorities and are aligned with national and sub-regional strategies and results frameworks.

CTC/CTED priorities
Initiatives strive to respond to priorities and technical assistance needs identified by the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and its Executive Directorate (CTED), which has reviewed all initiatives.

Gender equality
All initiatives have been screened and selected to promote exemplary gender-responsive approaches.

Human Rights
Human Rights are at the core of the UN system’s work, which is nowhere more critical than in the sensitive counter-terrorism context. All initiatives have been screened to ensure they are thoroughly grounded in human-rights-based approaches.
Informed by experience,
designed to meet present and
future challenges
The Joint Appeal has been newly designed grounded in the Lessons Learned of the 2021-2022 UN Multi-Year Appeal for Counter-Terrorism and guided by the feedback and recommendations from comprehensive stakeholder consultations of the UN entities that participated in the previous appeal, the Member States that funded the projects under the appeal, as well as dozens of project managers in country offices around the world.
The Joint Appeal brings together 16 UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact entities under its ten joint flagship initiatives: CTED, ICAO, IMO, INTERPOL, IOM, OHCHR, OICT, UNAOC, UNDP, UNFPA, UNESCO, UNICRI, UNOCT, UNODC, UN Women and WCO.
Together, the initiatives seek to demonstrate the value of joined-up, multilateral action and the UN system’s unique contribution to strengthening the capacities of Member States to counter terrorism and prevent violent extremism across the continent. Priority focus lies with those aspects of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy that have been identified as requiring increased efforts and emphasis, including the prevention of violent extremism, the safeguarding of human rights and gender equality and the empowerment of women.
The Joint Appeal is directed at Member States to provide resources to fund the joint initiatives through the participating entities in coordination with the Resource Mobilization, Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact and the Joint Appeal secretariat based in UNOCT.